Lindsay Johns
Writer & Broadcaster
In an age of often divisive and discombobulating identity politics, whilst naturally proud of his Capetonian, English and Martinican heritage and family ties, Lindsay is even prouder to be a human being and loves the famous adage by the Latin playwright Terence (himself an African slave from Carthage): “I am a human being and I consider nothing human alien to me."
After reading Modern Languages at Oxford, Lindsay moved to London and began post-graduate research in Medieval Latin and Italian literature and philosophy, but swiftly discovered that his future did not lie in libraries, but in communicating his ideas with a wider audience.
He speaks French, Italian and Creole and is an ardent admirer of Boethius, Baudelaire and Ben Webster.
Lindsay ardently believes in the adage that "service is the rent we pay for living."
To this end, he has been a regular platelet donor since 2007 and has recently been heralded as Britain's most prolific blood donor, after having given 25 platelet donations in 2022​.
Please click here to find out more about how you can give blood or donate platelets.
He has for many years volunteered at Christmas with Crisis, a national charity which aims to combat homelessness. Please click here to find out how you can help.
He has also been a collector for the Royal British Legion's Poppy Appeal. Please click here to help to support the excellent work they do.